Step 6 Video Template Order Form Contact Form Section

Hey everyone, this video is the tutorial for Step 6, the Store Settings of the Store Management Setup System. So as you can see on screen, we are already there in Step 6, the Store Settings. And this is quite a long section to go through so please bear with us, we are actually going to record separate videos for each of the different categories within this step. But this is going to be the overall video, which covers them all. But we'll also split them out so they're easy to find if you need to search for them.

So in case you didn't know how to get to this particular section, if I go back to the dashboard, I'll show you how to get there.

You just go to the Store Management

And then choose the store you want to work on and go across to the three dots. Yours may have a drop down by having a plus symbol, but somewhere there'll be three dots.

If you hover over that and go to Settings, that will give you your settings.

And that will bring you into this area here.

And you want to be in Step 6.

Okay, this next section is going to show you the Order Form, and the Contact Us Form. But for the video templates, only, these are only applicable to the video templates as they work as a pop up on the video templates.

So what I want to do is hit the drop down button here for the order form. And you can see there's a couple of texts amends that you can do here, which is the heading which says where do we send your order the button text, which is going to display which we have as rush my order is standard.

The button colour which you can choose any colour you like, I'm going to change that button to orange. And then you can choose the time delay. And this will be the delay between when the page loads. And when the button displays because what you might do if it's a video that you have showing, you might want it to appear at a certain point in the video. So if your call to action in the video is, say five minutes into the video, you might want to delay this 300 seconds, which is five minutes. For the purposes of this demonstration, I am just going to delay that by 15 seconds, so that you can see the effect of what happens.

And I'm also going to go down and show you the Contact Us Form. Which basically you can just change the heading and the text on the button and the colour of the button in the contact us form. And that's where you can amend that. So I'm going to show you those two things now on a live site. So just give me two seconds to jump across to that tab.

And as you can see, here we are, we jumped into a different store to do that. But here's the video template.

And as you can see, there is no Buy button right now.

But if we just give it a few seconds, there we go, that buy button appears and you'd be able to order directly from hitting that.

So you see that there is the pop up of the shipping form with all of the text as we created it. And where do we send your order, the rush my order, which is what we said on the button and the colour of the button as we specified it. So that's how the video template works.

And if we go down to where the Contact Us is at the bottom here.

If we hit that, that again is the pop up with the details, as per we amended them in that settings area.

So that's how those sections work for the Order Form and the Contact Us form for the video template only you don't need to use that for anything unless you're using the video template. So next, we're going to go on to the Confirmation Order Email and the Shipping Confirmation Email. And we'll be right back with that video.

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