Tutorial of the Label Editor
Hey there, today we're going to be doing a video tutorial of the label Editor inside of Tiny Brander. So I have everything up on the big screen, we'll jump right into it and not waste any more time.
So here we are at the dashboard. In order to get your label editor, you need to go to Store Management.
And I believe this is a new store that's been created, the CBD one at the top here. So I'm just gonna go into Settings.
And across point number 2, Products.
And the way you get to the Label Editor is by clicking on the three dots on the right hand side.
So I'm going to go into this one, which is the CBD Cream. And just click down into Create Label.
If you already have created a label, we have one here under the CBD oil. It will say Edit Label.
But this is a brand new label. So we're going to be creating it. So it's going to be CBD Cream Jar. As I say hit the three dots or hover over the three dots and hit Create Label.
It's going to ask you to give your label a Name. So I'm just going to call this TestCBD one, and then it's going to open the Editor.
Okay, so here we are in the Editor. As you can see, it's a blank canvas right now. Now, this is really useful if you have an external company, make your artwork for you that you want to upload to the system. And that's fine, you can absolutely do that. No problem at all. We provide you with templates that you can download and send to your artwork department or an outsource company that can actually create a really beautiful design for you. And then when you come back here, you can just upload that.
However, I'm going to be looking at starting with the Template and actually working from that, because that's going to be probably what most of you are going to want to do. So all of the Templates are hard linked to each of the Products. So you shouldn't be able to be able to cross the wrong, put the wrong label on the on the wrong Product. So as you can see, there's just one Template in here.
And you just hit Use Template.
And that is the CBD Cream template. If you ever see anything other than the right Template that you're working on, please drop us a line at Support. Because something's gone wrong, it shouldn't ever be. The fact there should, should never be more than one Template in here should only ever be one and it should be for the product that you know you're working on.
Okay, so let's have a little navigation look around at what we have here. So in the Label Editor, as you know, this is our desktop that now has the Template in it. And we can zoom in or zoom out on that as required in order so we can see it all probably want to zoom out because we want to be able to keep our Menu Options up here on the right hand side.
So as you can see, now we can see everything to do with the label so we can move things around and make it fit nicely within the space.
So points that you need to know about things that you have to keep on the label that we can't ship the product without them being, in is here, the ingredients gotta have that on the label, you've got to have some directions on the label, these are the ones that we we have given you don't delete those. And you have to have this distributed by section. Keep that in there as well.
Now obviously you can you can change the fonts on this and type it out and make it your own. But make sure you keep the the layout of this as it is now. When you get to distributed by you can just click in that and actually edit that text just by double clicking and highlighting it.
Other things that you want to keep as I said you want to keep the ingredients that's all over here. In the capsules and the oral products you'll find that there is a supplement panel don't delete that. Definitely keep that where it is. And there'll be a disclaimer about the the statements not being evaluated by the FDA keep that as well.
So everything else you can pretty much amend or make your own you want to keep the volume in there just to make everything legal because you have to be able to display how much product is inside the package, the jar. So you're gonna want to keep this but everything else you can really change you don't need to keep this…
You can call this something else you could call this for example CBD let me think CBD Ache Balm or something like that.
Obviously that this you don't want to keep because this is our brand you want to get rid of that entirely. And you want to be able to get rid of the logo as well.
So let me just go through some of the settings here. So for example, let's have a look at text first. So we have the Tiny Brander text up here, we don't want to have that we want to have our own Brand name. So that's actually an Image that's there. So I want to delete that Image. Now, you might notice that if you try to delete it by hitting the delete key, that doesn't work. That's done on purpose, so that it's not easy to delete things out the Labels by mistake, you have to purposefully delete things. So all you do is you highlight it, so it gets the the box highlighting it come across the right hand side and if you see down here, this little trashcan, just click that and it's gone.
Same thing here with the Icon.
If you don't want the Icon, straight down here to the bottom, click it, and it's gone. So that's how easy it is to delete things.
If you want to bring something back, you made a mistake, we have the undo arrow right here.
And we can just undo, undo again, or go forward. So that you can, if you do ever make a mistake, you can quickly go back and correct it before you save it.
Now, let's talk about the text editing. It works just like any other text editor, you can just double click into it, call it whatever you want, let's call it CBD Test Cream, so that we know what it is.
And obviously, we can change the fonts on that. So we just highlight, come across to the right hand side, have a look at the font families and just come down and pick something new. That more fits what what your brand is trying to achieve. And you can obviously change the size of that up or down, you can change the bold of it, the indents of it.
And obviously the colour of it, very easy to do.
What else can we do, we can add a shadow just by clicking the the little check box here and change the colour of that shadow to make it you know a little lighter, and how much it's offset by and how much it blurs by so I'm gonna change the blur down to 2 and keep the the offset, I'm going to put the offset at 5 to make it not pop off the page quite so much. And then, oops, lets get that offset at 5. Missed that. There we go. So that we have the the offset.
Then we're just going to centralise that a little more. There we go. And now we're starting to see something that looks a little different to what we saw before.
But we can go even further than this. You know, we want to put this as a very plain background is we want to work on the background of the label to make it a little bit more attractive. There are many things we can do here.
We could add an Image to the Background. So we just click on the right hand side up to Image. Well, first of all, let me, let me go right into the Background, if you wanted to go and just flood coat the Background, you can definitely do that by going into the background tab on the right hand side and just choosing any colour to flood coat the Background with.
That's with a solid Background.
You could go to a Gradient and choose your Linear Gradient. So you might want to choose in all the examples are here, something like that, we could change the Gradient Angle so that it comes in from a different angle.
Or we can do a Radial Gradient to get something like that, or something like this. And you can have a play around with these options to see what works best for your particular cream. That's kind of nice one.
You can do a Pattern Background. So that's the section right here. And we have a lot of Inbuilt Patterns there…
You could just choose they're pretty unlikely to use any of these, you know quite, they disrupt the text a little bit too much. But you could definitely do something like that.
And finally, in the Background, you can go across the Image. And you could Upload An Image to the Background. So we have the Images that are already uploaded into the system where you can upload a New Image like this. If I go to My Downloads Folder, see what I've got, if I've got something. Let me try this. Let me just Upload this, see what this does, there you go.
So that's an image that I've just uploaded, and I can change the Opacity of that and make it...
As you can see, it still has the, it still actually has the Gradient Pattern in the Background there where I, I put that in, but it's actually put an image right on top of it, as I say you can change the Gradient Pattern of that, I'm actually going to Delete that.
Go back to the Background. Also, you have choices of System Backgrounds, which we have in the system here. So you can just Upload that kind of thing. And again, change the Opacity of it.
Let me actually go into this Background here and go into that Gradient and just change it for a Solid Colour, I'm gonna make this just a solid pink. And there, you can see that there's something quite interesting. Now it's put a solid pink background. And we have the image almost sitting on top of that, out of the System Images here. And we just changed the Opacity to make that pink show through a little. So that's quite an interesting way to do it. But I can Delete that. And then we just have the pink background.
The other item in the Background Images is Pixabay, where you can search Pixabay for whatever you want. So if I put I don't know CBD in here and go to search here. And there you go, we've got some CBD images. If we just upload that. There we have that if we bring that opacity right down.
That's quite a cool looking thing. We've got kind of a CBD leaf there. We can even change what part of it we use. So we could choose what part of the Image that we're actually using in our Label by moving this box here up or down through the Image. So that's definitely something you can do to get exactly what you want. I'm just going to leave that there like that. And I kind of like the way that that looks right now. Okay, so that's, that's all about Background.
Now if you want to bring an Image in like an Icon or something like that, you would just go to Image here. And again, you have the same things here. So I'm just going to actually... you can choose from Images, System or Pixabay. And then actually search Pixabay for I don't know Logo... Icon, let's just come see what we get. Okay, I'm just going to use this as a very bad example. But it's something that's sitting right here. So we could bring that in, pretend thats a Logo for your Brand, we just drop that in here, move everything around so that it's nice and centralised.
Like this. Okay, so that's how you would bring an Image into the, onto the Canvas here. And obviously, we can Edit that we can move it around, we can change the Opacity, we can add a shadow to that image to make it pop a little more, we can add a stroke to the Image, stroke as an outline to the Image.
And I'm going to talk about Layers in a minute, you can see the Layers down here in this section. I'm going to talk about that in a little while. And it's going to become clear what that how that works and how that is very useful to you.
So right now we have discussed, let me just go through exactly what we've discussed. And we've discussed about the Text how you can Edit the Text, you can also Add new Text just by clicking on one of these Text boxes. If you wanted to add more Text, you could definitely do that by clicking here. It adds a piece of Text onto the Canvas. And again, you can edit that with whatever you want, new Text here. So you can definitely add to the label. So that's how you work with the Text.
What else have we discussed? We've discussed Background Images, and how you can Add Images and Vignettes and Gradients and Solid Background Colors to your Labels, and how you can mix those between Gradients and Images to create kind of like the effect we have here where it's actually a Color and an Image working together, so we can definitely do that.
And again, just to reiterate how you do that, if we go into Background here, I put in a solid colour. And then I added an image on top of that colour, which was it was a System Image, I think, yeah, it was, oh no it was a Pixabay Image, that's right, it was this Pixabay Image. And when I added that, that Image to the Background, I just changed the Opacity and brought that down, just so we could see the Text a little more. And so we're getting a little bit of that Color seeping through to that kind of Effect. So that's recapping that.
Now, what I want to talk about now is how we can Create Effects, Split Color Effects in the Backgrounds of our Labels. So I this has been a special request that's been asked for us... asked of us, excuse me. And the way we would do this is by Adding Shapes.
So if we go here, we have a whole array of different Shapes that we can add to the Canvas. And the one we want to look for, in this instance, is this square box here with a Solid Color. So I'm just going to add that to the Canvas. And let's say for example, we want to do a Split Color Label with, let's say, green at the bottom and orange at the top or something of that ilk. So we go down, and obviously, we have our shape selected, and we're going to choose a green colour, let's do like a dark green, something like that. That's great.
And then what we need to do is we need to affect this, so it's going to cover the entire Label. So we're going to bring it to the left hand side. And I'm going to stretch it to the right hand side, we just see that go there and now I'm going to grab the toggles at the bottom, pull it down, and then increase the size by pulling the one at the top.
Okay, so now you can see that we've got kind of a half green label. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to duplicate this Layer, this box. As you can see, it's highlighted. And all we do for that you go to the Layers here. And we want to hit this Icon right here, which is the duplicate Icon.
So we're going to click that. And then it's created another Layer for us that we're going to put right up here on top. Like that. Now what we're going to do with this Legend, is change the Colour. So we go back to the Colour icon here on the right hand side, the Colour Selector. And I'm going to make this one like an orange colour. So let's bring it down to the kind of orange Hues. Bring it up there. Alright, perfect. Now we have a split label orange at the top green at the bottom.
Okay, but we don't see any of the Text anymore. So how do we get around that? Right, this is where your Layer Ordering comes on... comes on. So imagine your Desktop is literally like your Desktop, and you have all of these various pieces of paper aligned on top of each other. You want to have the stuff that you want to see most at the front and the Background right at the back. So we just have to change the order of how these Layers are being displayed. So right now I'm selected on the orange layer, I'm just going to go back here. And I'm going to hit this Icon here, which is moving it to the back or moving it backwards, pardon me and you can just keep clicking that until you can see everything else that you want to see.
The other thing that you can hit to make that easier if you want to put it right to the very back is this Icon right here. This is the centre back Icon. And so you just hit that and it goes right to the back. I've just selected the green Layer there in order to do that. So as you can see, there we have a split Layer, split color Label. And we probably just want to just move things around a little so that it displays correctly. Maybe we want to change the Color of this distributed by now to make that actually pop a little more on the dark green. So we would come across here and change the Color option to white. Like something like that.
And same with you'd want to enter your Contact Details here. Now with your Contact Details. That can be the name of your Brand. So we're going to say CBD Test Cream. And then the Contact Details can be anything from a telephone number, a website address, an email address. It doesn't have to be a full address can be if you want it to be, but as long as there's a point of contact, then that is fine. So I'm just going to put in a web address and call this cbdtestcream.com, something like that. And we're going to want to obviously, make this white as well, so that it pops off that green Color, just like that. And align it correctly. Okay, it's not the most attractive label in the world, the soccer ball doesn't really make sense. But you get the idea that this is easy to create Split Layers and Split Levels.
We could also do lots of things with the Panels, for example, with the Shapes so that we could add, for example, if we added the same block, again, little blue block, but this time we made it, we select it, and we make it white instead of blue, like that. And then we come down here and kind of get in front of that, and then I go to our Layers and just send it backwards, given a click until we get that.
That allows you to have things like your text popping off another Colour. And you can add the Shapes with rounded corners or triangle Shapes or whatever is going to work for you to help you get the best looking label. I think that's just about everything to do with the Label Maker...
Oh, no the Alignment, I haven't discussed that. So if you want to Align something, for example, we just put this white box in you would click that. And if you wanted to make this Text central within it, if you just hit your Shift key, and click that, so it's it's putting those two together, and then go down here to get to Group Alignment…
You're going to want to Group Align it centrally, like that, and if you just saw that move and you're gonna want to centre it that way as well. And you just saw that move. And there you have it, that's now centred perfectly within that space.
Other than that, I think that's kind of all of the controls that you would that you would use in the creation of your Label.
What you want to do now is you want to Save that label by hitting the Save Icon at the top.
And you want to Download it by hitting the Download icon as a PNG, you can download it as a JPEG as well if you want that for your files, but we need it as a PNG to add it to the Mockup. So I'll go through that process with you. That's now down here on the on my Desktop. So I am going to exit the Editor now.
And just hit go back.
And now I'm going to go back to the CBD Cream Jar, hit the three little dots again, and this time Add Label To Mockup. And now I'm going to Upload that file that we just Downloaded onto the Desktop, it's right there in my Downloads Folder.
And then I'm going to pick this section of that that I'm using for my Mockup and it's going to be that section and we just hit Crop.
Here we go. And it's added that to the Mockup. And if we go along now to the three dots again and go to view Mockup it will show us exactly what we have.
There you go. CBD Test Cream with the Mockup made. And again, you can Download that use that in your marketing, use it in other promotions, post it on your social media, whatever you want to do, you can just grab that Image and do that.
So that is pretty much it. I hope you found that useful guys. If there's anything else you want to know about the Label Editor, please reach out to us at support@tinybrander.com Make your suggestions. We're always happy to record a video, record a new training and help you guys make the best Brands possible.
So that's it, again, any questions or concerns you can always reach us at support@tinybrander.com Thanks a lot. Speak to you soon. Bye.