Store Set Up - Store Settings (Step 6)

Hey there, today we're gonna go through the store setup, and in particular, the Store Settings step. So let's jump on to the big screen. And we'll show you how to do that.

So here we are in the Tiny Brander platform, you want to be in Store Management.

And pick the Store you want to work on.

And go across to the right hand side where the cog icon is for the Settings, just click that, that will bring you into the Settings section, and the Store Setup, where we have nine steps to get the store live and all set up.

We're looking at section 6 today, which is the Store Settings. So we're going to go through each section of it explaining exactly what you should be putting in this section and why that will affect you. So let's start at the very top and we'll work our way down.

So starting at the top, we have the Site Title. Now this, all of this section in the in the top area is about SEO.

So your title of your store should be something to do with your Brand, but then also have some kind of key word inference. So for example, this is a Keto Store we're working on. Let's say the Brand is called Trim, Trim And Slim Keto. So that's the name of the Brand, you need that in the TitleSupplements for safe and reliable weight loss, just off the top of my head. So it's giving a benefit. And maybe you even want to put something like, the best supplements for safe and reliable weight loss or maybe even award winning, if you can get some awards for it, that would be great. But some kind of benefit that somebody might search for particularly when looking for weight loss products, people often wanting to look for llist like the best and award winning and you know, supplements that really work. So think about that, when you're putting in your Site Title.

Keyword is actually multiple keywords. So you're going to be able to separate these by commas. So you're gonna want keto you're gonna want weight loss, you're gonna want the name of your Brand trim and slim keto diets.  And just go through the Google Keyword Helper can help you here, but you just want to fill that section with, with keywords, remember to separate them with a comma.

The Author of this is just yourself. So this would be in my case, Jon.

Then the Description. So again, you want it to be keyword rich, and you want to give it an active Description of the site. So we develop and sell award winning supplements to help on your weight loss journey, you know, go to town on it, fill that out so it's got some good rich keyword tags in there, that is going to help you with your SEO. So that's the Description.

Moving on down, the Favicon. Now the Favicon is the little Icon that you see on the tabs at the top of your browser. So, that needs to be 32 by 32 in height, so you can just drag and drop that into there and that will allow you to to have that little Icon on your tab.

On the right of that we have the Site Theme Color as you can see thats that green color right now.

And if we go across to here…

And then we fill in this form and then if we hit Rush My Bottle you can see that this is the Color that is being displayed is this greenish Color and this is in the Cart.

In fact all of the popups and the checkout experience will have this this Theme Color which is what is represented here.

Now if we change this to something like a red and then go down and Save that, okay, great and then then we go back into this, refresh it, and then do the same thing again.

And then hit Rush My Bottle.

There, you can see, it's now changed to that red Color. So pick a Theme Color that's going to match well with your Brand, and with your Site Colors, because that's the way that it changes it through the Checkout experience.

So moving right along, let's go further down the Settings page.

Here we have the External Scripts. This is where you would add things like Facebook Pixels, anything you want to fire on the Landing Page, so that you can Track Your Audience.  That would be put into there.  Don't forget to hit Save after each section, which is right down at the bottom here.

Now the next section is the Offer Section, which is really what we just looked at right here.

This is the various packages that you have put together after somebody has clicked through and expressed an interest. So this is where you can stack the value to your clients. So the text or the copy that is displayed here is able to be changed. And that is reflected in the things up here…

The select your package and save today. And the our best value package, our most popular package, you know our best value package, you can, you can control all of that by Editing the text in here.

And just make sure it makes sense to the pricing that you set in your offers. So that's that's what's in the Offer Section there.

Similarly, in the Upsell section, the same thing. So if I, if I carry on here and just select one of these, let's just Select a single bottle and Continue we're then offered with an Upsell.

And all of this text is available. So if you can see maximise your results with x x x. If we go back to the Tiny Brander…

You can see here Upsell 1, maximise your results with x x x. And if we change that, that will change obviously, in the Upsell here.

And the same thing is true in Upsell 2, you're just able to change the text that's displayed. So it more fits your brand and your whatever you want to say.

The same thing is true with the Payment Section.

If we carry on once again, I'm going to decline that Order and decline the Upsell, the secondary Upsell and now we're at the Cart. So its showing you exactly everything there and all of these, all of this copy here, all this Text here can be amended by yourself in this section here, where you can just choose whatever you want to say, as your clients begin the Checkout Process.

And the same thing is true with the Thank You Section

It allows you to edit the message to your buyers that successfully purchase your Products. So choose what you what you want to say to them very carefully in their and you'll get the best results.

And also in the Thank You Section is your ability to add an External Script. So this is really a a Pixel for Purchases, you want to put in there because anybody that makes it to your Thankyou Page is essentially a buyer. And so you want to be able to fire that information back to whatever platform you are Tracking Your Leads with and Tracking Your Traffic with and that will tell you exactly how many Purchases that you've had and what source they've come from. So that's important to do, I may record a separate video actually on doing that with a particular Tracking Software. But that will be in a separate video.

So that's it for that section. The next section we recorded will be the Compliance Pages and that will be in a separate video. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach us at  Thanks a lot.

Hey guys, future Jon here. I'm jumping into the middle of this video because the the tech team have actually updated something within the Store Settings. So I need to just show you really quickly what's going on inside here. So everything else is pretty much the same as you've just seen in that video.

But however, there is now this Social Share Image Button right here. Now what that will mean is when you share your link on any of the social platforms, it will display whatever image you upload into this area. Now the the optimal size for that is 1200 by 628 pixels. That's the ideal Image size. Pretty much everything else in this section has stayed the same. I just wanted to let you know that that has been updated. As you know we always try to keep you alerted to what's going on.

So that's all for now and if you need any help you know where to Contact Us, thanks. Bye.

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